
香港史 - 二十世紀的香港 - 電子書


  • 學生能增加對二十世紀香港的政治經濟發展的認知
  • 學生藉著認識香港與中國發展的關連加強歸屬感

學與教建議 / 使用說明:
  • 教師可運用資源豐富課堂教學
  • 教師可運用資源幫助學生進行微型專題研習
  • 教師亦可因應學生的學習性向,讓學生運用資源自主學習照顧學生較廣泛的興趣


This resource is an e-book provides information on the growth and development of Hong Kong in the 20th century. The readers can understand more about Hong Kong's relation with 1911 Revolution, General Strike, Japanese occupation, post-war development and the return of Hong Kong to China.

Learning Objectives:
  • enhance the understanding of the growth and development of Hong Kong in the 20th century
  • enable students to develop an interest in local and national history

Learning and Teaching Suggestions / User Tips:
  • Teacher may use the resource to enrich lesson content and prepare the students for conducting project learning
  • Teacher can use the resource as a self-learning materials to cater for wider interest


關鍵字詞:11月個人、社會及人文教育科資源點評 | 時間、延續與轉變 | time | 省港大罷工 | Japanese occupation | Continuity and Change | 香港與革命運動 | 日佔香港 | 戰後的經濟發展 | 暴動事件 | 97回歸 | Hong Kong's relation with 1911 Revolution | General Strike | Hong Kong post-war development | return of Hong Kong to China
