
How to Write a Diary Entry (PPT)

作者: Slide Share / mssami 出版日期:24/03/2011
This set of slides (http://www.slideshare.net/mssami/how-to-write-a-diary-entry) introduces tips of writing a diary entry.

Language Forms & Functions:

Language Skills:
  • Produce written texts appropriate to context, purpose and audience
  • Use appropriate formats, conventions and language features when writing a variety of text-types, e.g., diaries

User Tips:
  • Teachers may view this set of slides on the web page, or download it after signing up as a member.
  • To help students understand better about features and style of writing diary entries, teachers could show this set of slides together with examples of diary entries provided in the depository, e.g., "Ellie's Diary 1 - The Future Tense", "Ranger Dan's Diary", etc.

關鍵字詞:writing | powerpoint | 英文 | English | Diary