
冷戰 - 古巴危機及蘇聯解體 ( 教師參考資料)(只提供英文版本)

作者: BBC 出版日期:30/07/2013

  • 學生能認知冷戰時期甘迺迪總統與1962年古巴導彈危機的關係
  • 學生能辨析冷戰期間蘇聯解體的原因

學與教建議 / 使用說明:
  • 教師可以運用參考資料豐富對冷戰課題的學與教
  • 教師可以點擊第二項'Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962' 展示冷戰期間甘迺迪總統與1962年古巴導彈危機而認識總統的角色
  • 教師可以點擊第四項 'The fall of the Soviet Union 1985 - 1991'加深對有關對冷戰期間蘇聯解體的認識
  • 教師可以利用參考資料作為學生課後閱讀用以鞏固所學或作為專題研習的素材


This resource is a teachers' reference that provides abundant information on Cold War, more specifically, on 'Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962' and 'The fall of the Soviet Union 1985 - 1991' .

Learning Objectives:
  • enable students to have more information on the the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962
  • students are able to discuss on the fall of the Soviet Union 1985 - 1991 and the true face of Stalin

Learning and Teaching Suggestions / User Tips:
  • Teacher may make use of this resource to enrich the learning and teaching of Cold War
  • Teacher may choose to click on 'Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962' to show how the US president's role in the stand-off that brought the world to the brink of nuclear war'
  • Teacher may choose to click on 'The fall of the Soviet Union 1985 - 1991' to understand the reforms, rebellions and political machinations behind the dramatic collapse of the Soviet Union, the last days of Gorbachev's office and the true face of the Soviet dictator, Stalin
  • Teacher may provide this resource to support the project learning of the students


關鍵字詞:歷史 | History | 美國 | 冷戰 | 古巴導彈危機 | America | Gorbachev | 共產主義國家 | 資本主義國家 | USSR | Cuban Missile Crisis | 戈爾巴喬夫