
英語延展教學活動 - 常見的酸和鹼 (只提供英文版)


  • 認識一些有關「常見的酸和鹼」的英文詞彙
  • 運用英語詞句描述及比較不同家居物品的酸鹼度

  • 教師在進行「英語延展教學活動」時,可參考此示例的教學建議。
  • 這教學示例共分三部份,第一及第二部分佔兩課節的時間;而第三部分則佔一節。
  • 在第一個課堂活動中,教師可先與學生溫習一些酸性、鹼性及中性家居用品的英語詞彙,讓他們重溫這些關鍵詞的拚法及讀音。
  • 之後教師可讓學生進行第二個活動。在這活動中,學生可二人一組就一些家居用品的酸鹼度作比較及討論,他們亦需學習以英語完整句子寫出這些物品酸鹼程度的比較。
  • 第三節課時教師可讓學生進行字卡遊戲,期望透過遊戲訓練學生以英語說出一些比較家居物品酸鹼度的句子。

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This resource is an exemplar on Extended Learning Activities in English (ELA) developed by the Open University of Hong Kong and partner schools. These ELA enable junior secondary students to have systematic exposure to science related English while they are learning science in their mother tongue during lesson time for transition to a senior secondary curriculum conducted more in English.
The ELA materials of this resource are designed to consolidate what students have learnt about the acidity and alkalinity of some common household substances. Experiments, games, speaking and writing practice worksheets are available in this resource, so teachers can adapt them according to the ability and interest of their students.

Learning Objectives:
Students should be able to
  • use English terms related to the topic "Common Acids and Alkalis"
  • use English expressions to describe and compare the acidity or alkalinity of different household substances

Teaching Suggestions:
  • Teachers can refer to this exemplar while conducting Extended Learning Activities in English. This activity is divided into three parts. Activity One and Two last for two periods and Activity Three lasts for one period.
  • In the first activity, teachers can review the examples of some common acidic, alkaline and neutral household substances with students. Teachers should make sure that students can pronounce the key terms of this topic correctly.
  • After that, teachers can ask students to work on the second activity. In this activity, students are asked to discuss with their partners for the relative acidity and alkalinity of household substances and learn to write complete sentences to compare their acidity and alkalinity.
  • The last part is a card game which students are required to ask and answer questions related to the pH scale and the common household substances. By engaging in this game, students can practise using correct English expressions for asking and answering questions orally related to the acidity and alkalinity of household substances.

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關鍵字詞:Science | 科學 | acids | 英語延展教學活動 | Extended Learning Activities in English | 酸和鹼 | alkalis