
Parts of Speech Table

作者: EnglishClub.com 出版日期:12/10/2011
This resource lists the eight parts of speech and their examples in a summary table. It is accompanied with detailed explanations and exercises for each part of speech.

Language Forms & Functions:
Language Items
  • Use correct parts of speech to express ideas in writing and speaking, e.g., noun, verb, adjective, adverb, preposition, etc

Language Skills:

User Tips:
  • It is suitable for students to use this resource for self-learning.
  • Click on each part of speech in the table for more details including examples and quizzes.
  • Below the table, there are three more pages of materials about parts of speech. Click on the link at the bottom of each page for the following:
    • Parts of Speech Examples - showing the part of speech of every word in a sentence
    • Words with More than One Job - showing examples of words having more than one part of speech
    • Parts of Speech Quiz - checking the understanding of parts of speech



關鍵字詞:parts of speech | quizzes | self-learning