
Motion Induced Blindness (適合中/英文教學)

作者: Michael Bach, 90 Visual Phenomena & Optical Illusions 出版日期:12/08/2013


  • 教師可利用本動畫介紹什麼是「錯覺」。
  • 教師可先著學生分組,組內其中一名學生需要被蒙眼並利用手指測試燒杯內不同溫度的水的冷熱情況。活動後教師可與學生一同討論「人類的感覺是否可靠」。
  • 討論後教師可讓學生觀看本動畫並讓學生了解人類的感覺並非時常可靠。
  • 教師亦可讓學生觀看資源庫內其他有關錯覺的有趣動畫,讓學生體會學習科學的樂趣。

  • 使用說明:
    本資源需配合 Adobe Flash Player 10 使用。
    下載Adobe Flash Player 10

    This resource is an animation demonstrating optical illusion. Our brain sometimes interprets messages from the sense organs wrongly. This animation demonstrates the "motion induced blindness" where the rotating blue crosses suddenly cause the disappearance of green spot at the centre.

    Learning Objectives:
    Students should be able to recognize that the brain may interpret messages from the sense organs wrongly and causes illusions.

    Teaching Suggestions:
  • This animation can be used when teachers teach the topic "Illusion".
  • Teachers may first divide students into groups. Blindfold one of the group members and he/she is asked to test the temperature of water in different beakers with their fingers. After the activity, teachers can have a discussion with students on the reliability of human senses.
  • After the activity, teachers may show this animation to students and allow them to recognize that human senses are not always reliable.
  • Teachers may also show other interesting illusion animations in the depository to students and allow them to experience the joy of learning science.

  • User Tips:
    Adobe Flash Player 10 is required to play this resource.
    Download Adobe Flash Player 10

    關鍵字詞:Science | 科學 | 實驗 | 動畫 | experiment | animation | 錯覺 | illusion | 環境的察覺 | Sensing the Environment | the brain and our senses | 腦和感覺