


  • 學生認識十九世紀中葉至廿世紀初中國對西方滲透的各種反應
  • 學生學習如何比較太平天國、義和團和辛亥革命三次群眾運動的性質
  • 增加學生對國家近代歷史的認識

學與教建議 / 使用說明:
  • 教師利用工作紙教授十九世紀中葉至廿世紀初中國對西方滲透的不同反應,例如:鴉片戰爭、洋務運動、義和團與辛亥革命
  • 教師可因應學生的學習情況發展學生比較不同歷史事件的性質,例如:比較太平天國、義和團和辛亥革命三次群眾運動的性質


This is worksheet on 'The responses of China to western penetration in mid-19thc to early 20thc.

Learning Objectives:
  • enable students to understand the different responses of China to western penetration in mid-19thc to early 20thc
  • enable students to compare the nature of 3 mass movements - Taiping Rebellion, Boxer Uprising and 1911 Revolution
  • develop values and attitudes in relation to national education

Learning and Teaching Suggestions / User Tips:
  • Teacher can use the worksheet to teach the different responses of China to western penetration in mid-19thc to early 20thc
  • For students of high abilities, teachers can ask students to compare the nature of 3 mass movements - Taiping Rebellion, Boxer Uprising and 1911 Revolution


關鍵字詞:洋務運動 | 時間、延續與轉變 | 百日維新 | 鴉片戰爭 | 辛亥革命 | 義和團 | 1911 Revolution | Sino-Japanese War | 西方的滲透 | Western penetration | Chinese Revolution | 中國的回應 | 甲午之戰 | East-West encounters | responses of China | Opium War | Taiping Rebellion | Self-strengthening Movement | Boxer Uprising | Time, Cont