
Beijing Olympics = Green Olympics?

Green Olympics, High-Tech Olympics and Human Cultures Olympics are the three Olympics concepts of Beijing Olympics. We are now doing this project to find out whether Beijing Olympics is a Green Olympics or not in the aspect of air quality. As air quality would directly affect the health of tourists, athletes and citizens, we think that air situation would be the thumb of all measures for a world-class competition. Air is something that we can’t live without, so fresh air would be recommendable to give a good image to everyone. Moreover, air quality had been a hot issue that being challenged and complained by foreign countries before the 2008 Olympics, we would like to see how our motherland government solve the problem and gain back others’ support. We hope that an in-depth exploration and investigation can be carried out in the project to see if the measures are really effective.We will look at and analyze both the government and the green groups' reports on Green Olympics. We will also have interviews with a volunteer who helped in Beijing Olympics and a Beijing resident. All of these data collection can help us to do comparison and to decide whether the China government could achieve the standard in a more objective way. We sincerely hope that this project would help people to have a more detailed understanding on Green Olympics regarding the measures taken in air quality aspect. 所獲獎項:「第二屆專題探究獎勵計劃」優異獎各評估指標所達水平:取用資料:能用一些證據,改寫前人的研究結果,引證及提供與專題有一般程度關係的見解、觀點或意見。理解信息:能以合適的方法分析數據 / 資料,並歸納得出頗為重要的發現。從一些與主題相關的角度,討論發現。表達意念:能建立一般程度結構的習作框架,說明探究過程及結果。行動反思:在探究過程顯示一般程度的反思,帶出啟示。


關鍵字詞:獨立專題探究 | 專題探究獎勵計劃 | IES | China | Olympics
