
Urban Renewal Project of Lee Tung Street: Uncovering the viewpoints of different stakeholders

To turn the city more modernized, our Government is keen on implementing urban renewal projects. It is claimed that renewed districts will become far more good-looking, energetic and sustainable.Thus, old districts are heading towards “redevelopment”, old buildings are inevitably going to be pulled down, and the good old days are melting away. The Lee Tung Street of Wan Chai is of no exception.In the past, this street is well-known for its wedding card industry. At present, most of the buildings and shops in the street are under demolition. In the past, the street only accommodates a thousand of people. Now, according to the renewal plan, the Urban Renewal Authority is boosting the total gross floor area of the street from 36,534 to 79, 697 square meters.In fact, the Government has begun to call on the urban renewal of Lee Tung Street since 1996. But it is not until a decade later the Street starts to beredeveloped. It suggests the project be a highly debatable one. And even during these days of sweeping changes, the viewpoints of differentstakeholders still vary a lot, including the government who supports the plan, ex-shop owners of the street who are opposed to the plan, and the different opinions of the public.As a matter of fact, this project would like to investigate:(1) What the viewpoints of different groups are on Lee Tung Street project respectively, (the Urban Renewal Authority, the H15 and ex-owners,plus the general public)(2) Why they are of such divergent opinions.所獲獎項:「第二屆專題探究獎勵計劃」優異獎評語:能夠從多角度分析議題,在取用資料、分析數據資料及表達各方面,均清晰有力,整體結構完整。各評估指標所達水平:取用資料:用有力證據,引證及提供與專題有關具洞察力的見解、觀點或意見。理解信息:以十分合適的方法分析數據 / 資料,並歸納重要發現。從多個與主題相關的角度,討論發現。表達意念:建立結構精密的習作框架,說明探究過程及結果。行動反思:在探究過程中顯示高度反思,帶出啟示。

關鍵字詞:獨立專題探究 | 專題探究獎勵計劃 | IES | redevelopment | urban renew | Lee Tung Street
