
Eco-Tourism or Eco-Terrorism?

作者: 嘉諾撒聖心書院:Leung Ka Yee Fiona 出版日期:04/08/2011
Hong Kong has 24 country parks, 17 special areas, 4 marine parks and 1 marine reserve occupying 40% of the total land area.3 Together with the humid and subtropical climate which provide a comfortable natural habitat for the species, Hong Kong is of high biodiversity and rich in environmental treasures for people to explore.The idea of incorporating environmental elements into the subject of traveling is known as eco-tourism. Apart from gaining enjoyable and relaxing experiences to the individuals, eco-tourism is a sustainable activity which benefits the environment, economy and society. The environment can be used for recreation and tourism. The job opportunities created help citizens to earn a living while the income generated can in turn spend on improving the quality of the environment. These three componentsintegrate tightly with one another.However, the intended benefits of eco-tourism cannot be easily accomplished in the practical level when the policy makers, travel agencies and community members are unaware of the true meaning of eco-tourism. Some of the eco-tours have been too emphasized on the spectacular scenery as a selling point to attract customers so as to maximize profits. Yet, the education and conservation purposes of eco-tourism are being neglected. If the discrepancies between the theory and the reality continue in Hong Kong, the beautiful environment will one day be lost and Hongkongers will have to really go far away from home to hug the nature.所獲獎項:「第二屆專題探究獎勵計劃」優異獎評語︰結構完整、脈絡清晰,從不同角度探究香港生態旅遊的發展及旅遊者的行為,顯示出高度的分析及資料整理能力,能帶出對議題的全面反思。各評估指標所達水平:取用資料: 用有力證據,引證及提供與專題有關具洞察力的見解、觀點或意見。理解信息: 以十分合適的方法分析數據 / 資料,並歸納重要發現。從多個與主題相關的角度,討論發現。表達意念: 建立結構精密的習作框架,說明探究過程及結果。行動反思: 在探究過程中顯示高度反思,帶出啟示。


關鍵字詞:獨立專題探究 | 專題探究獎勵計劃 | IES | eco-tourism
