
Ghost Stories

作者: Telenex, HKU 出版日期:26/04/2012
In this activity, students listen to two ghost stories and put the pictures provided in the correct order. They then read the stories and finish the comprehension practice. Finally, students write their own ghost stories with the framework suggested.

Language Forms & Functions:
  • Phrases and descriptions used in horror stories, e.g., a young girl with long braids, suffered serious injuries to scalp and face, jumped into the pool and drowned, etc
Language Items
  • Use the simple past, the past continuous and the past perfect tenses to describe actions and events that happened in the past , e.g., After waiting for several hours, she realized that he was not coming.

Language Skills:
  • Acquire, extract and organize information relevant to specific tasks
  • Use story structure that comprises setting, characters, problems, events and solutions
  • Plan and organize ideas, and use appropriate cohesive devices
  • Listen for main ideas and extract specific information from spoken texts
  • Understand the use of connectives and sequencing for logical deduction

Remarks / User Tips:
  • Teachers are advised to view the content of the lesson plan prior to teaching in class and adjust the teaching content to suit the school context, as well as the ability and needs of the class if needed.
  • Remind students to use appropriate tenses in their stories. Review the structures and usage of different tenses with students if necessary.
  • Teachers may register to become members if they are interested to explore more resources from this web site. Please see the home page of Telenex for details.



關鍵字詞:reading | Listening | story writing | past tenses | Ghost stories